November 2, 2012

Finding my Voice

Don't think I'm missing the irony of this title as I'm writing, I'm hardly able to speak a word thanks to what I fear may turn out to be a bout of tonsillitis.

Anyway I know where my real voice is and know it'll come back... my blogging voice however is still in limbo land. I've had a blog for a couple of years now but I found it easier with 2011 in 2011 as I had a clear focus. The aim of it was to update my progress of time vs mileage and keep people informed about my fitness and races as I raised money and ran a lot.

I started this blog after my 2011 challenge ended and feel like I have struggled to find my identity as a blogger. I don't feel qualified enough to speak purely about fitness, everything I've learned has been just my experience or research on the web. Similarly I love to crochet and read though I don't think I do enough of either to specialise in one particular subject, which leads to where I am.

I want to thank those of you that follow me... most of you have amazing blogs that really inspire me! In return I give you an extremely random collection of running stories, book reviews, quotes and crochet piccies!

So I'm interested to know... what do you do for inspiration and how did you find your voice? I'm contemplating doing something like the 30 day photo challenge to just give me a starting point each day.
Or is it like learning a foreign language that's challenging for a start but the more you do it, the easier it gets?

I'm interested to learn and hope you stick with me until I really find my blogging identity