'Just an easy 10k' was the description of the run as we left....
'easy' may be a word they need to define a little bit more clearly in future! We had Simon (aka Speedy Gonzales) running with us. I remember seeing him at the end of the Bridlington half marathon and him being disappointed with a sub 1.30 (eek!). Anyway, he set the pace pretty fast and as a result I was pushed more than I've been pushing myself recently. To be honest, I'm really pleased they did!
Tonight reminded me of when I first started and how much I improved by running with people of similar and better ability. Having people that can push you a little bit harder than the usual comfortable pace really improves your performance and quick! The lesson I remembered today... RUNNING WITH FASTER RUNNERS MAKES YOU FASTER!!
All in all it was a brilliant run though easy is the last thing I'd describe it as... I ran a personal best 10km time tonight - if only it'd been a race!
You are reading the blog of a very happy runner. If I ache tomorrow it'll be well earned.